Candidate’s Guide
You do not know how to prepare yourself for the job interview? Maybe you wonder what Assessment Centre is?
Below are the answers to questions frequently asked in relation to recruitment process.
How does a standard job interview look like?

How should I prepare for the job interview?
- Check what the company you are applying to deals with and which services it provides. Try to learn as much as possible, and the knowledge is bound to pay off.
- During the interview, try to prove why you are suitable for the job.
- Show us that you are aware of your strengths and that you know areas you need to work on to be able to develop on the job.
How long am I going to wait for the reply?

Do social media help in finding a job?

Nowadays, social media play an important role not only in our private lives, but they also have a substantial bearing on our professional careers. Among social networking platforms there are those, whose main objective is to enhance recruitment. Each day, the majority of head-hunters uses them in their work to search for the best candidates. Therefore, it is advisable to create account on:
- GoldenLine
You may easily upload a brief version of your CV, adding education, professional experience, qualifications and foreign language proficiency.
You cannot forget about the social networking platforms we use for private purposes (Facebook, Instagram etc.), which are accessible to recruiters. It is worth securing your privacy or uploading only publishable data. You never know when your follower is a head-hunter. 🙂
How to write a good CV?
Certainly, there is no ultimate ‘formula’ for a successful CV. However, there are some principles you can follow, which are bound to make your CV appealing to a recruiter. Below are the vital ones:
- Personal data – make sure that the CV contains your current telephone number and e-mail address. It is advisable that your e-mail address would not make a recruiter burst into laughter J
- Photo – a good portrait photograph would be best. It definitely cannot be a holiday or party selfie!
- Education – use the principle of chronology (current ones on top). In addition, provide dates of beginning and completing stages of your education, faculties etc.
- Professional experience – recruiter is most interested in your recent positions. Try to describe briefly your responsibilities and their scope. Do not forget to indicate accurate dates (e.g. July 2015-June2016). This will save a consultant some time.
- Foreign languages – you need to define the level of your language skills, and Common European Framework is a best way to do it. Today, in the majority of recruitment projects conducted by us, there is a specific language proficiency required, so it is a pivotal aspect of your CV.
- Skills and qualifications – if you have any additional skills, which your prospective employer would find interesting, you need to mention them in your CV. They should be relevant to your new job, though. It does not make sense to enumerate qualities such as diligence, hard work and motivation, as they will not make you stand out from among other candidates.
- Visual aspect – most of all, a CV should be clear, have A4 format and legible font. More and more frequently, we receive more creative resumes, created in Power Point, in the form of a dedicated website. According to TEST’s experts, such form will be suitable for positions related to arts, mass media and advertising. When you apply for a more regular job, e.g. as an office worker in the accounting department, keep the standard CV form.
- File format – best file format for a CV is PDF. By sending us your CV as a PDF file, you may be sure that once a recruiter opens it, it will look exactly the same as you intended.
- Before sending your CV do a spellcheck – remember, a CV is your business card 🙂
How to properly define my salary expectations?

- What is my minimum expected salary?
- How much a person performing this job earns?
- May I count on additional benefits from the employer?
An average salary of people performing similar positions may be checked for example in the largest Polish Salary Survey:, which is updated every six months and contains data delivered by over 500 companies from all over Poland.
Once you specified your financial expectations, remember not to justify it. Trying to explain your financial expectations is one of the worst things you can do during a job interview. It shows that you are not utterly convinced about how much you are worth. In addition, it is an opportunity for the recruiter to negotiate the “price”.
What Assesment Centre is?

- Leadership
- Problem solving
- Comunnicativeness
- Teamwork
Based on the prepared competencies, assessors create sets of tasks to be solved by the candidates during the sessions. Most frequently, they use:
- Simulations/ Roleplay
- Group tasks
- Presentation
- Case study
- In-Basket tasks
How to prepare yourself for Assessment Centre?